
Featured Cities

Each Swiss city, town, and village fancies its distinct charm, culture, cuisine, and architecture. Geographically, Switzerland falls into three categories, namely French, Italian, and German regions. Visiting each of the areas evoke completely unmatched travel experiences; elating quaint, esoteric feelings – that only Switzerland can offer.

Bern Old City

Bern, the de-facto capital of Switzerland, has quite impressively managed to retain its historic lineage. The old town of Bern has a status of UNESCO World Heritage Site. The 6 kilometers of arcades – referred as Lauben by the Swiss – features on the longest weather-sheltered shopping streets in Europe.


Zermatt is the gateway to probably the world’s most famous and most photographed mountain – Matterhorn. Along with being an absolutely car-free zone, Zermatt is also one of the top destinations in Switzerland for skiing.


Basel – the city of culture – is home to 40 museums and has the most number of museums in Switzerland. Basel’s old town, contemporary architecture, and the Rhine – a relaxing spot for a break – elevates the charm and the beauty of the cultural hub of the country.


Montruex is nestled around Lake Geneva, expansive vineyards, and against the mesmerizing backdrop of snow-capped Alps. The town is famous for its Montreux Jazz Festival, which happens in June/July and stages concerts on a number of platforms and parks.


Lucerne, located in the heart of Switzerland and bordered around Lake Lucerne, is among the most visited cities of Switzerland by the tourists. The beautiful city is also a preferred destination as a base in Switzerland, given its central location and quick connectivity to other cities and many excursions. The close by mountain excursions are Rigi, Pilatus, and Stanserhorn, each glamoured with its own viewpoints.


Lugano is the largest town in the region of Ticino. Along with being Switzerland’s third most important financial, conference, banking, and business centre, Lugano is home to many parks, exotic flowers, villas, and sacred buildings.

St. Moritz

St. Moritz is the inception place of Alpine winter tourism that began in 1864. The holiday resort gained its popularity by not only hosting Winter Olympics twice, but also because of its natural mineral springs that were discovered some 3000 years ago.

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